Lawsuit or summons in California by Hunt and Henriques?

Hunt and Henriques seems very trigger happy to sue but not so diligent in taking care of their lawsuits. If you have been sued by Hunt and Henriques or recently received a summons, there are several options available. You can file a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy. You can try to negotiate with them before they get a judgment and most likely can get 70% settlement on what you owe. You can fight the lawsuit and hope they don’t follow the local court rules which isn’t as unlikely as you’d imagine. This is a major debt collector structured as a law firm, but one that is hard to get a hold of and one that doesn’t necessarily show up with the right documents to court.

A chapter 7 bankruptcy if you qualify will wipe out the debt completely. A chapter 13 will allow you to pay pennies on the dollar or if you have a lot of assets or money at least stretch your payments over 3-5 years depending on your income level. Hunt and Henriques is the biggest collector for Citi and if you spend any time trying to get a hold of them you will see why I believe optimism should prevail in the fact that you’ve been sued by a debt collector who doesn’t follow through with all their cases.

Frequently Asked Questions: Debt Consolidation in California
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